Event number 1: nothing lasts forever
Well as you know (unless you dont actually read the posts jsut like to look at the background and pictures) I have been going out with my significant other for a year and a half. WAIT... had been going out with my significant other for a year and a half. Yes, its true, we broke up, and if you really want to know why, id tell ya but it may eb a little too personal for me to state on this blog
WAIT A SECOND, my anonymitiy has been a major factor of this blog so therefore it doesnt make anything personal, hence i can tell you
Everyone always thought that I would be the one to fudge up our relationship . Well i proved you wrong MUAHAHAHA (and even proved myself wrong by not fugding things up which is a first)
Here is the thing, 'love' is an abstract term which is way too hard to describe and different in each and every situation.
In my situation, to describe the word 'love' i would have to describe what i believe is the most attractive part of the opposite sex and NO that does not include ass/tits/legs ( yes, thats right Susan Brownmiller, not all men think about sex all the time).
Any way gettin bak on topic, the most attractive part to me of a female body is the EYES. It is said that eyes are the gateway to a person's soul, and therefore love to me is not kissing on the beach, not sharing a delicate french cusine with a bottle of champagne, not having sex (although that is REALLY good), but simply the ability to gaze into each others 'loving' eyes and realize nothing else matters.

So whats this got to do with anything? My ex-significant other started to like someone else. LAME. Funny thing is tho, if she came back i wouldnt give a shit about it. What kept me up all those restless nights, and what i generally start to thing about when ever i get lonely, is that i dont have any1 that i can share my form of 'love' with anymore and its probably sonds really lame but i still really do miss and care about her. Actually take that back, it does sound really effn lame but i aint ashamed about it lol
so how did i start my beginning of 2008? either crying, drawing, writing, getting high/drunk, or finally bottling up my emotions and then taking them out on Artifical Character with stupid A.I. on Assasins Creed/Uncharted

Event number 2: something lasts forever
YES i realize this event is a direct contradiction to the first event but allow me to explain.
I got a tattoo.
AND no i didnt get a mutherfucking g-unit gangster bro tattoo or chinese writing/dragon (talk about individuality.

I got a tattoo of a heart and infinite sign on my left upper wrist.
What does it symbolise you ask?
the heart symbolises Love.
the infinite sign is a particular ideology i have been following for the greater proportion of my life. What does it mean?
unlimited or unmeasurable in extent of space, duration of time, etc.: the infinite nature of outer space. |
unbounded or unlimited; boundless; endless: |
people say that there is no such thing as 'love' and if there was such a thing it would be classified as a form of madness
people also say that nothing can last forever its impossible (besides mathematicians)
Therefore when merging these two particular ideologies together as well as what people say against them, the message given is that "love is the only thing that can be classified infinite as no one can say whether it exists or not".
Why get it on my left wrist ?
well i didnt want to get it on my bak cos i wouldnt be able to see it and that be gay, neither on my chest cos it sill hard to see and i mite get fat and it'll fade n go wierd. I put it on my left wrist so, i can actualy see it everyday, everymorning, and it sounds wierd but when i see it, it also symbolises hope to me.
When i told the lady i wanted to get a tatoo there she told me to get it on my fore arm cos apparently thats tthe worst place to get it as it canes. I said FUK that to her lol i was be able to hide it with a watch..
What does it feel like getting a tattoo? well i think the pain is psychological more so than actual pain. Its like, i went into the tattoo parlor expecting it not to hurt at all and it didnt actually hurt much really, it felt like a sharp dagger dragging through my skin and then my adrenalin kicked in and everything was alright! (wait that description makes it sound like it really hurts o.O)
Event number 3: Gota make this idea last forever
Me and my friends started a band.. AND YES we are gona be the biggest thing since sliced chocolate fairy bread with whipped cream and fried in olive oil
So far we got mr p daddy on rhythm/ keyboard/bass/vocals , sir smoke alot on lead/rhythm, fai on drums, and me vocals/bass/rhythm. What does that mean? No1 actually knows what they want to do yet and i dont mind doing watever so long as i can write.
And finally EVENT number 4: This will definatly not last forever but enjoy it while you can!
My family got a new kitten which is named Figaro, and no minnie i did not copy your sisters cats name lol. Its called Figaro because it is exactly like that cat Pinocchio only grey.

All in all, from the past two weeks have given me the idea that this year is gona be totally random and full of contradictions AND FUK do i hope i have gone through the worst of it already.. AND THATS the Quadruple TRUTH RUTH!!
Sorry bought your ladies friend.
Plenty of fish etc.
Cant wait to see ya tat.
ohh your so cute!
your my bestest most bestest friend in this world. always remember that. xoxo
that's some crazzyy shit.....
in a situation like this,all individuals should be in a process of getting under the influence of cannabis.the best medicine ever invented by god
i was the one present when the tattoo got done.everybody can sniff my fart!!
DW dude!!!! u shit on her anyway, u'll find someone that actually appreciates you and who will love u and want to grow old with u!! keep that happy smile on ur face!!
haha ali's finally free woo hoo lol now all the ladies can run wild lol!!
p.s. LOVE the blog!!
very nicely written!!
i can say i am hooked on your blogs..
ohh guess what? i also know someone else who got a tattoo on their wrist ;-) lol
i shall be seeing you in like 12 hrs
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Eu tenho uma tattoo G Unit.
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