Thursday, November 22, 2007

Assassins Creed and the implication of Islam vs Christianity

If you didnt know, like Mr Terms and Conditions, i am a gamer aswell. Only difference between us tho is I am more into ps3 rather than Xbox but that doesn't change anything (lol ps3 is a recognised spell checker word and Xbox isnt MUAHAHAHHA)

Anyways, yesterday Assassins Creed came out for both consoles, and obviously i got for ps3 seeing as tho none of the games this year so far, are using the ps3s full potential.

What can i say about this game? EFFN sweet!

What this game about? You are Altair, an Assassin in Jerusalem 1191. Jerusalem and its surrounding nations are being currently going through the third wave of the Crusades.
Anyway, this post is not here to advertise the game but to talk about its implications and how the general public are reacting to this.

First of all, before the game even starts, there is a message basically stating something like:
The creators of this game do not intend to offend, and come from different, multicultural backgrounds and have many different religions and beliefs.
I found this little disclaimer interesting because generally in games there is a little blurb stating stuff like 'Dont try this at home' or 'beware: lots of gore'

Anyways when you get into the game, and your talking to locals around the area, people start saying stuff like 'Peace be upon you'. Me being a follower of Islam found this very interesting as this is usually an Arabic Muslim saying. This fact, as well as the fact that the word 'assassin' comes from the Arabic word 'Hashshashin', and finally the main characters full name Altair Ibn La-Ahad; prompted me to hit the online message boards and forums because, lets face it, American's, and some other categories that I shall not name, arn't the most welcoming people, especially to this specific culture/religion .

And this is what I found:

Liberalism poisons this game like it's trying to poison the country. Christianity is free to be attacked, but all others are in a protected class.
Too bad... I was looking forward to this game. Ah well, plenty of other cool games out there.
Vote Republican 2008! We are not a death culture! God, Family, Country! Not: Islam, Lesbians, and Illegal Aliens!

DANG.. "Islam, Lesbians, and Illegal Aliens" what a category!

Before I start giving you my thoughts and views of this topic lets establish 1 point:
Historically, 'hashshashins' did not fight or kill many crusaders, or Christians at all, they mainly killed muslims. This is scenario is also duplicated in the game to an extent, i.e. you fight and kill Muslims and Christains, so I don't know what the eff people are ranting on about

What do I think about this?

TIME-OUT! This is a game.. a game that people play. When people play something like 'Grand Theft Auto' or 'Resident Evil', gamers do not get phased much about the ultra violence. Assassins Creed does contain the same violence and gore with a little touch of 'implied religion'.What needs to be realised that when the creators of this game made this game they did not intend this game to be linked or related with ANY religion. They just wanted to write a game with a different, and compelling story (which might I add, did work!) I am not passing any judgements on this subject but this in actual fact is the same scenario, so why get all high and mighty about this?


I certainly do not agree with many of these posts and find them rather racist for no apparent reason , but hey, thats freedom of speech for ya ! In my own opinion ALL religions have both their good points, as well as their bad points (yes, that includes scientology), and when people become closed to other people's beliefs, and/or 'fundamentalistic', it works in a very negative way as it goes against what their actual religion states... and thats the TRUTH, RUTH!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Tales from the Dub Gee prt 2. the return of the kleptomaniacs

Look, i realized i haven't posted squat in a while, but, I have a good reason. In has become a prominent fact that many bloggers write about stuff that involves popular culture as well as the mainstream media. I have tried to stay away from this movement for 1 main reason:

I don't have the time or the patience to watch and research into bands or tv shows because it really bores me. Then if i started to post and give my thoughts and views about stuff, ppl would and will always say i have gotten my facts wrong cos i don't really know much bout ne thing

Anyways, i thought i would return to this original post of Tales from the Dub Gee because ppl seemed to find it interesting, as well as another experience has affected the course of my life

YESTERDAY, was Sunday. Weather was up the ying-yang and massive amounts of people were flocking to the beach. Me and my significant other, decided to follow the crowd and head down to the beach. After that my significant other was going to go grocery shopping as her parent was in Sydney.

We arrived at the beach around 1230pm and the sun was high (but not at its peak due to daylight savings in Australia). We headed down to our normal side of the beach, which was surprisingly crowded as most of the people usually swim in between the flags at the other end of the beach. After tanning and sleeping for a while, we decided to head into the water to have a quick dip. After being in the water for about half an hour, I realized that a rip was forming and we would have to go bak on to the beach for a while until the current died down.

When we got back to our towels and bags on the beach we had notcied a few more people had come down: a couple of surfies, a 'lad' and a 'ladette', and finally and old, obese drunk guy who was just there sipping his goon and checking out the scene (which means perving on girls). This group of people didnt really intimidate us as **l**n*o** and pretty much everywhere these days are full of perverts, lads and surfies.

Now for you people who are from overseas or foriegn to the subculture of 'lads' here is a quick rundown of them and how to notice them
  • Wear striped polo tops or Nautica tops
  • Have caps, often white caps
  • Wear shorts, no matter what the season or what the temperature
  • Are often white and skinny
  • Are often from the western suburbs of Sydney and constantly spreading
  • Like to graffitti
  • Are aggressive and often look for fights
  • Hang out in gangs and support each other if a fight begins
(picture & description taken from this page)

Neways so this 'lad', and this 'ladette' are on the beach when my significant other starts to notice that they are looking at us at increasingly regular intervals. At the time she thinks nothing of it. Another suprisingly awkard factor is that this 'ladette' is sunbaking on the beach DEH DEH DERRR in her BRA! Talk about indecency. The time is 1:20 now and I notice that the tide has died down. We decide to go down into the water now. As we leave my significant other stops and says 'I hope my stuff doesn't get stolen' jokingly. I replied there enough people around here to do sumtin if anything happened and we continue on into the beach.. BAD MOVE jeez i shoulda remembered at that time, that in this day and age no1 gives a shit about each other.

WE come back from a nice swim and my significant other freezes. 'Where the FUCK is my bag' she says n starts going into hysterics due from shock. I go talk to the surfie couple next to us, didnt notice anything (funny tho, they weere practically right besides us). I speak to the drunk guy. Oh, i saw that boy take it about 5 minutes ago.


What did they end up stealing off my significant other? Her clothes, her bag, her wallet, her grocery money, her phone, her sun screen, HOUSE KEYS, sunglasses, and earrings. Talk bout good haulage, but seriously, why the funk do it for?

So after scanning all the bus stops and reporting to the cop station, what do we get out of it? NOTHING. Basically, the fuzz laughed, didn't want to report ne thing, and informed us of this pointless anecdote which goes something like this

"One day,one of my friends, you wouldn't know them, got all their pot plants stolen. They went to Dapto markets the next day and saw this women selling them. My friend said, 'those are my pot plants'. The seller then replies, 'No they are not, they are mine!' and then the friend sticks his hand into the pot plant and pulls out his house key"

hows that for a kick in the nuts for ya Russell

Anyways alot of stress has been caused over this incident and I would just like to ask why do people do shit liek this for? I mean some people aswell as academics argue that the crime rate increases during the hot weather, others say that crime rate increases parrallel to the unemployment rate , but does it really make any sense to actually go and steal something from another person jsut because you need a lil money, or you are jelouse of something they have.

Only shit like this can be pulled off in **l**n*o**, and that is the TRUTH, RUTH!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

What have YOU done more recently, Masterbated or gone 10 Pin Bowling?

So the day was Monday, and yes it was slow but not dull. Me, being still tired as shit from a crazy weekend was tryna catch up on sum shut eye during class. First subject of the day, communication environment, and what did we learn about? NORTH KOREA!

Now if you dont know ne thing about N.K. prepare to learn some wisdom. North Korea has definatly one of the strangest social/political/economical living conditions in the world (I say strangest because I dont really want to pass judgement on something i dont know) Basically, a citizen has no rights, can get shot, sentenced to jail, sent to a concentration camp, at any time possible for any reason officals see fit, and usually that reason is for disrespecting their current leader Kim Jong-Ill or his father, 'the eternal president of the republic' Kim Il-sung. What has happend is due to the totalitarian stranglehold this royal family has on its country, means that its people cant speak, eat, or even shit without getting permission to do so first. It has been said that this country has voided many common human rights and this can be seen as the country has high statistical rates of torture, starvation, rape, murder, medical experimentation, forced labour, and forced abortions.

On the brighter side though, this country has no light and a 'killer' child camp.

Anyways seeing this half asleep was a bit of a trip, so later on that day, me and the 5th Base Brothers decided to rewrite the 10 Commandments in order of their most relevance to get our mind of this nonsense. Basically, we rewrote the ten commandments not to offend, but to inform and state what we believe what matters most in any religion. And this is how it goes:
  1. Thou shalt not kill
  2. Thou shalt not steal
  3. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
  4. Thou shalt not commit adultery
  5. Honour thy MOTHER and thy Father (feminist movements)
  6. Thou shat not conve anything that is thy neighbour
  7. Thou shalt not take the name of thy lord thy god in Vain
  8. Thou shalt not make unto thee graven images
  9. Thou shalt have no other gods before me
  10. Remember the sabbath, to keep it holy
Rewriting this made me think of the infamous BLACK SPOT from Robert Louis Stevenson book Treasure Island. Basically if a pirate gave his neighbour and fellow pirate a black spot would mean that if they would have a curse placed on them as they have mad a foul move. If this black spot was on a page of the bible however, it would mean that the person or pirate that it was handed to was sentenced to DEATH.

Some how talking of this topic lead to the most infamous and confronting topic of the day that all you readers have been eager to read, "What have you done more recently, masterbated or gone 10 Pin Bowling?"

This topic arose from a conversation me and the 5th Base Brothers participated in while were supposed to be learning about Healthcare systems in regards to Marxism. When this question is asked face to face to a person the first thing they do is think of their REAL awnser. Then after a split second the person tries to think of what the normal answer and what every1 would else would say because face it, nobody WANTS to be ridiculed and made fun of being different. After this moment has passed they usually confuse themselves as the answer that is more common to them maybe differnt, and ask what every1 else has said before they give their own answer. WHAT this does for the viewer and/or the person who asks this question is give a foliage of funny facials and also gives that person the power of the conversation as the respondent usually gets 'weirded out' and defensive. btw, Bride-zilla stated if your answer was 10 pin bowling then your a liar, i dont either agree or disagree with this statement.

SO my question is to all my blog readers is what have YOU done more recently. Remember due to this being an online question your anonymity is working in your favor

What have you done more recently? Masturbated or gone 10 pin bowling?
10 Pin Bowling

View Results

What has today taught me? GET more sleep, and that is the TRUTH, RUTH!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tales from the Dub Gee, YEAH BOIII

MORNING peeeooopppllleeee, and how are you? and hope your having a grande day

The topic of today is the place i live.

If you didnt already know (which means you dont know my true identity) I live in a small town outside of Sydney. The place is called **l**n*o** and its not actually a town, its more of a town that disguises itself as a city. Its actually not that far from the city (bout 50min drive/1hr 15 train) but wen you tell people from the city that you live there, people think its further away from there than Mexico. Anyways whats the town like? well ill turn your attention over to Lou Reed and John Cale to inform you...

So yeah, i hope that song was informing and motivational. Anyways what separates this small town from any other small town? NOTHING except for 1 substantial and crucial factor. Small towns are usually associated with predominantly white redneck hics. **l**n*o** is full of all different types of cultures and and paths of life. This is a positive for the town, but one must realise when journeying into this town even though there are all these different people, they still have redneck hic veiws and maintalities of life. Ethnic groups are always fighting over dumb shit and there parents are always tlaking about how good life is and was back at their home countries and how bad this country is. Get an effn grip, the only reason its shit out here and better over there is because every1 over there shares the same thoughts and values and here every1 thinks they are better than any1 else. And yeah, id also like to note that this maintality doesnt apply to all people, just the vast majority

To illustrate my point id like to give you a few short anecdotes from my life:
  • When i came here from Saudi (used to live there) people said i should change my first name to George
  • I was a social outcast from my primary school cos i thought the Baha Men were lame
  • I was a social outcast from my high school cos i thought Limp Bizkit were worse than the Baha Men
  • I was the only known and recognized person that was not from Anglo Saxon decent in my first high school year and after the events of 9/11 i thought id better get the eff out seeing tho my name was obviously muslim ( ie i got told to go back to Afghanistan by some older kid who singled me out, i thought id better not inform him that id never been there)
  • Moved into a second high school were all the racial group hung only to themselves (ie Turkey Corner) and i didnt really fit in a category
  • A Serbian kid informed me to the 'positive sides of beating your wife'
  • A kebab shop guy informed me that there was gona be a huge fight at Cronulla the next day, we thought he was full of shit. he sure proved us wrong
  • we got started on by a group of 40yr old men on Australia day (post-Cronulla) as we were walkin into an ice creamery
**l**n*o** is not all that bad tho, is got sum killer beaches. I mean i hate goin bondi n cronulla n stuff compared to **l**n*o**. You wana know why? **l**n*o** beach is practically deserted (the place we go, that is) except for in summertime, when topless uni students come... not that i look, but if thats ur thing then come on down!

Anyway last saturday nite, the 3rd, i went out to my gf/friends/bf 18th bday. He is Greeek so party was at the Greek church.He is a good kid and the place being such a small town meant that i actually a fair amount of people who were going. Free drinks, free food, what more can i say? There were a few unwanted guests who came in n tried to cause trouble, but they got kikd to the curb so that ended up alright. Anyways, about parties, you know when is that special time when ur supposed to leave and end the note on a positive? Me n my significant other did that. After we left, one of his relatives, as in older relatives, got her purse stolen wih apparently $6K inside it.. all the girls got depressed and started crying and all the guys got pumped and ready to haul ass. Good thing we left at the right time!

As we were walking out tho, the wierdest thing happend. I used to be friends with this dude n close friends mite i add. Everythin was goin sweet til he started doggin me to hang round one of my ex's. I didnt mind that, but wat started to happen is he started to lie to me about it, and lie about it constantly. This wasnt that cool n e more. I confronted him bout it, then he started to lie mroe and blame my current significant other. Then we never spoke again. Anyways after we left this party, we walked to a cross section and saw all these police and ambulances. As we came closer we realised what had happend and it came as a shock... My ex friend thing... had ... hit.. two pedestrians.. with his car. It was another LEFT Hand of HATE or RIGHT Hand of LOVE moment. I chose the right hand of love and ask if he was alright, luckily the cops had been nice and let him off with a fine and loss of license, he was facing alot more.TALK ABOUT AN EFFN COINCIDENCE as in walking out at the right time

This situation and situations like this can only be occur in a small town and i hope i have informed you to what the **l**n*o** is like, and that is the TRUTH, RUTH!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Mothership Reconnection and the Hostility Between Strangers

Today was one long ass day, not because of the weather, not because of class/work, but because of small, trivial dilemmas that crossed my path on my road to Infinite Wisdom.

First things first, i woke up too damn early because i had a certain uneasy feeling through the whole nite which prevented me from sleeping. Anyways had to walk to the trainstation which is about 1/2 an hour away from mine and since i dont actually live in Sydney, but an outer suburb, missing a train to skoo means that my whole plans for the day have gone to hell. Anyways on the way to the trainstation i was half asleep and i saw this girl literally about half my size (me being 6ft sumtn) walking past me. Anyway i wouldnt really point this factor out or anything in a blog (in fact the banality of this subject is killing me typing it) but this lady was on speed or sumtin. She was walking soooooooo fast! And me being half asleep saw this situation as a competition of my man/long-leg hood. I started out taking small quick steps, then a progressed on the long jump like strides, and so forth till i ended up sprinting and yet this stranger was STILL in front of me. I felt so ashamed and disgraced until i fell asleep on the train to the city

The day went on, hour by hour, and the topic of the day was students favorite blogs.. I found out you can tell alot about a person by the blogs they like and pardon the sexism, but being in a class full of female teenagers/young adults made everything relate to eitha fashion or celebrity gossip.. DANG after I finshed my presentation on i realized a few of my lady friends were whispering about sometin.. it seemed edgy and stimulating so naturally i wanted in. Anna said she would fill me in, and at break she told me that our teacher might be brothers with one of the guys from The CHURCH!! (to read more consult and yes Russell im only putting this in to get extra marks.... JOKES) Anyway during our break we were excited to get back to class to ask our teacher if this rumour was true when we crossed paths with the wierdest guy on earth, in an ELEVATOR! DUH DUH DEHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

So we are waiting for an elevator and basically only heading to the level above us (yes we are lazy). An elevator comes but it is going down to them bottom floor (which is one level below) and there is nobody in it. I decide that we should get on this elevator as we wont be wasting anytime and everybody follows me (sheeps). Anyways we are in this elevator goin to bottom level and as a joke i decide to press all the level buttons as it wont shorten our trip anyways (simple and childish prank and yes you can use this trick to impress your friends). We arrive at the same level we started on and these 2 Asains got on as well as this mid 20to 30ish dude. This complete stranger had a shaved head and stubble beard with psychotic blue eyes who was wearing a suit. By his stance and the eerie way he was acting (i.e. not blinking and looking really edgy) he definatly looked like he was tapped of sum crazy drug. When he went to press the button he realised all the buttons were pressed in but went to press lvl 3 anyway (which meant that we didnt elongate his trip at all). When we got out of the elevator, he said in this pshyco aggressive voice DOPEY CUNTS and we walked away.
THE question of the situation is WHAT the FUDGE gave him the right to say that. I mean its not like we made his elevator trip longer and if so, wot the FUDGE is the point of trying to ruin someone elses day over such a simple and stupid matter of an elevator trip that was liek 10 seconds longer...

ANWAYS, later on that day i was hanging around with my friends in my suburbs mall jsu playing pool and shit when i got a call from my significant other. I actually didnt get a call but my freind did as i still didnt have a phone but ye he passed iton to me. She spoke, I froze... and what she said shocked me.. RETURN OF THE OLD DUTCH LADIES.

Apparently what had happend is one of the dutch ladies had waited to give my phone to one of her daughters and what her daughter had seen was a fone full of mist calls and a message saying that we knew that the dutch lady stole the phone and had reported it to the cops. She apparently then rung my significant other and was hyperventilating making up a Bull SHIT excuse saying that she was gona hand it back but didnt want any1 to steal it (figures!), and trying to sneak her way out of a criminal charge. My significant other asked me what we should do and at that moment i realised, that i had the power over this situation and could either use the Left Hand of Hate or Right Hand of Love.
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Judging by the situation i decided to use the right hand of love and told the woman to give the phone back so I could get reconnected tothe mothership and I did this because i Believed that she had learnt her damn lesson.

Thank god its Friday i thought to myself and looking at the day in retrospect i started thinking to myself, why is there so much hate, loathing, and hostility between strangers and people you dont know. Whether it be wen i was tryna beat a short lady to the trainstation, or sum f*wit in an elevator, or some low life old dutch grandma, why is society so competitive and vengeful against people we dont even know. Its always an us and them situation and never together mentality (ie. war on terrorism and I believe that Progressions cant be made if we are separate forever... and that is the TRIPLE TRUTH, Ruth!!!!!!


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Phoneless & Crowds more stiffer than Emporer Qin's Terracotta Army

Good morning Raheemer's and how are you all doin.

First things first, life without a phone is a situation that I believe everyone should try and experience before the day they die. Its sort of like getting your umbilical cord cut off so your disconnected from the mothership of technology, but only10 times harder, ON YOUR FRIENDS!

You know how you have those days how you plan to meet up with people but you don't know what time or where your gonna meet up and you say "Ill see what happens, and I'll call you?" Or the times when your friends are being bitchy little shits saying, "I don't want to come out but I'll see if plans change?"

When your phoneless, your friends AND family have to abide by your rules and timetable as in they cant contact you, but you cant contact them so therefore you become the dominatrix of each and every situation. And what happens if your friends and family dont meet up with you at an allocated time and place? It works as a filtering method saying who your real friends are as well as gives you have the right to flip it at them and have a hissy fit saying that you cant cope with the pressure and how much you hate being phoneless. It is simply being diabolical and ingenious MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

And this comes to subject 2 of the matter, concert crowds of 2007

As you may or may not know (judging by you know me) I have been to a fair few concerts over the years of my existence. Some have been very good, others have been appalling, but what Radio Raheem is starting to notice is that the crowds have stopped coming to dance and enjoy themselves, but are more concerned with taking photos off their o-so beloved mobiles and camera's. For instance take the two most recent concerts I have been to, the Klaxons and Justin Timberlake.

At the Klaxons, during the support act people we literally just standing stiff. Wot The EF? And its not like the supporting act where bad either, i found them quiet nourishing . By the crowd being stiff and basically standing still in where the moshpit/dancefloor was supposed to be I had a bad impression that when the Klaxons came out, the crowd was gona follow suite. LUCKY that changed DRAMATICALLY!

Justin Timberlake however was a whole different story. Me, not being a JT fan only went for my significant other so i tried to at least bear and even enjoy his performance and boy was I surprised. He was actually a good performer when he stopped parading around his giant ego (i.e. putting his suit crotch on camera, giving the finger to the audience?? wtf). The main downfall of this gianormous concert tho was that the crowd was not dancing, but more concerned with buying burgers and eating popcorn while taking pictures on their phone to show to their friends at work and school. And to top it off when JT came back for an encore people decided to walk out and leave to avoid the traffic. NOW tell me is that what any normal decent human being would be concerned with at that time or place?

I believe that a performer can only be as good as the crowd gives is and by people standing stiff, guzzling beer, eating hotdogs, and taking photos off their camera; can a performer really give their best performance? and that IS the DOUBLE TRUTH, RUTH!!!