First things first, i woke up too damn early because i had a certain uneasy feeling through the whole nite which prevented me from sleeping. Anyways had to walk to the trainstation which is about 1/2 an hour away from mine and since i dont actually live in Sydney, but an outer suburb, missing a train to skoo means that my whole plans for the day have gone to hell. Anyways on the way to the trainstation i was half asleep and i saw this girl literally about half my size (me being 6ft sumtn) walking past me. Anyway i wouldnt really point this factor out or anything in a blog (in fact the banality of this subject is killing me typing it) but this lady was on speed or sumtin. She was walking soooooooo fast! And me being half asleep saw this situation as a competition of my man/long-leg hood. I started out taking small quick steps, then a progressed on the long jump like strides, and so forth till i ended up sprinting and yet this stranger was STILL in front of me. I felt so ashamed and disgraced until i fell asleep on the train to the city
The day went on, hour by hour, and the topic of the day was students favorite blogs.. I found out you can tell alot about a person by the blogs they like and pardon the sexism, but being in a class full of female teenagers/young adults made everything relate to eitha fashion or celebrity gossip.. DANG after I finshed my presentation on i realized a few of my lady friends were whispering about sometin.. it seemed edgy and stimulating so naturally i wanted in. Anna said she would fill me in, and at break she told me that our teacher might be brothers with one of the guys from The CHURCH!! (to read more consult and yes Russell im only putting this in to get extra marks.... JOKES) Anyway during our break we were excited to get back to class to ask our teacher if this rumour was true when we crossed paths with the wierdest guy on earth, in an ELEVATOR! DUH DUH DEHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
So we are waiting for an elevator and basically only heading to the level above us (yes we are lazy). An elevator comes but it is going down to them bottom floor (which is one level below) and there is nobody in it. I decide that we should get on this elevator as we wont be wasting anytime and everybody follows me (sheeps). Anyways we are in this elevator goin to bottom level and as a joke i decide to press all the level buttons as it wont shorten our trip anyways (simple and childish prank and yes you can use this trick to impress your friends). We arrive at the same level we started on and these 2 Asains got on as well as this mid 20to 30ish dude. This complete stranger had a shaved head and stubble beard with psychotic blue eyes who was wearing a suit. By his stance and the eerie way he was acting (i.e. not blinking and looking really edgy) he definatly looked like he was tapped of sum crazy drug. When he went to press the button he realised all the buttons were pressed in but went to press lvl 3 anyway (which meant that we didnt elongate his trip at all). When we got out of the elevator, he said in this pshyco aggressive voice DOPEY CUNTS and we walked away.
THE question of the situation is WHAT the FUDGE gave him the right to say that. I mean its not like we made his elevator trip longer and if so, wot the FUDGE is the point of trying to ruin someone elses day over such a simple and stupid matter of an elevator trip that was liek 10 seconds longer...
ANWAYS, later on that day i was hanging around with my friends in my suburbs mall jsu playing pool and shit when i got a call from my significant other. I actually didnt get a call but my freind did as i still didnt have a phone but ye he passed iton to me. She spoke, I froze... and what she said shocked me.. RETURN OF THE OLD DUTCH LADIES.
Apparently what had happend is one of the dutch ladies had waited to give my phone to one of her daughters and what her daughter had seen was a fone full of mist calls and a message saying that we knew that the dutch lady stole the phone and had reported it to the cops. She apparently then rung my significant other and was hyperventilating making up a Bull SHIT excuse saying that she was gona hand it back but didnt want any1 to steal it (figures!), and trying to sneak her way out of a criminal charge. My significant other asked me what we should do and at that moment i realised, that i had the power over this situation and could either use the Left Hand of Hate or Right Hand of Love.

Judging by the situation i decided to use the right hand of love and told the woman to give the phone back so I could get reconnected tothe mothership and I did this because i Believed that she had learnt her damn lesson.
Thank god its Friday i thought to myself and looking at the day in retrospect i started thinking to myself, why is there so much hate, loathing, and hostility between strangers and people you dont know. Whether it be wen i was tryna beat a short lady to the trainstation, or sum f*wit in an elevator, or some low life old dutch grandma, why is society so competitive and vengeful against people we dont even know. Its always an us and them situation and never together mentality (ie. war on terrorism and I believe that Progressions cant be made if we are separate forever... and that is the TRIPLE TRUTH, Ruth!!!!!!
i love your blogs they are so entertaining and gives me something to read, also... something more entertaining then my own life.
luv ya guts ali!
good blog negro,dope is in the bad baby.speaking of that....we should get the 20 bag soon coz im nearly OUT!! and of course i ready to start killin people's father.resulting is the soceity in the state of "THE NIGGA TRIED TO KILL MY FATHER!"
and that's the left hand punch.a punch of hate.
maximum respect bro
You tell that elevator fuckwit whose boss
next time we see him in the lift he wont be comin out again..
The seen with the nerdy cop from "The Untouchables" comes to mind
i know Radio Raheem always choose the right hand of love~~good for you~~
just like to point out i did a music blog haha. does that mean you got your phone back from the evil dutch women?x
It's a good thing you realise the choices you have. But don't stop here, there is only one way forward and that is to keep using your mind to clear the way.
Some day you will wake up early in the morning and see the invisible stereotypical shackles that hold you down. Your culture, your language, your name. None of this was chosen by you. You only hold on to it because you see no alternative. Turn off the autopilot and choose what you want to be.
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