Now if you dont know ne thing about N.K. prepare to learn some wisdom. North Korea has definatly one of the strangest social/political/economical living conditions in the world (I say strangest because I dont really want to pass judgement on something i dont know) Basically, a citizen has no rights, can get shot, sentenced to jail, sent to a concentration camp, at any time possible for any reason officals see fit, and usually that reason is for disrespecting their current leader Kim Jong-Ill or his father, 'the eternal president of the republic' Kim Il-sung. What has happend is due to the totalitarian stranglehold this royal family has on its country, means that its people cant speak, eat, or even shit without getting permission to do so first. It has been said that this country has voided many common human rights and this can be seen as the country has high statistical rates of torture, starvation, rape, murder, medical experimentation, forced labour, and forced abortions.
On the brighter side though, this country has no light and a 'killer' child camp.

Anyways seeing this half asleep was a bit of a trip, so later on that day, me and the 5th Base Brothers decided to rewrite the 10 Commandments in order of their most relevance to get our mind of this nonsense. Basically, we rewrote the ten commandments not to offend, but to inform and state what we believe what matters most in any religion. And this is how it goes:
- Thou shalt not kill
- Thou shalt not steal
- Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
- Thou shalt not commit adultery
- Honour thy MOTHER and thy Father (feminist movements)
- Thou shat not conve anything that is thy neighbour
- Thou shalt not take the name of thy lord thy god in Vain
- Thou shalt not make unto thee graven images
- Thou shalt have no other gods before me
- Remember the sabbath, to keep it holy
Some how talking of this topic lead to the most infamous and confronting topic of the day that all you readers have been eager to read, "What have you done more recently, masterbated or gone 10 Pin Bowling?"
This topic arose from a conversation me and the 5th Base Brothers participated in while were supposed to be learning about Healthcare systems in regards to Marxism. When this question is asked face to face to a person the first thing they do is think of their REAL awnser. Then after a split second the person tries to think of what the normal answer and what every1 would else would say because face it, nobody WANTS to be ridiculed and made fun of being different. After this moment has passed they usually confuse themselves as the answer that is more common to them maybe differnt, and ask what every1 else has said before they give their own answer. WHAT this does for the viewer and/or the person who asks this question is give a foliage of funny facials and also gives that person the power of the conversation as the respondent usually gets 'weirded out' and defensive. btw, Bride-zilla stated if your answer was 10 pin bowling then your a liar, i dont either agree or disagree with this statement.
SO my question is to all my blog readers is what have YOU done more recently. Remember due to this being an online question your anonymity is working in your favor
What has today taught me? GET more sleep, and that is the TRUTH, RUTH!!

danng,that was raw and real b,if u ask me wat i chose between masterbation and ten pin sure is masterbation.anyways,it was a good story.
ok so later i got to explain myself which made much clearer sense compared to my first answer because i havent been 10 pin bowling since i have turned 18 so thats been a good year! but fantastic story and let me know how your surveys go!
love your stuff!
Hey bro, another awesome blog... everyone must be so confused about how that topic came up but a magician never reveals his secrets... and neither do the 5th base bros.
I just got back from bowling about 10 minutes ago so naturally my answer was "masturbated"
(I didn't really go bowling today so I'm still in for the challenge of going before pirate day.)
that's interesting~in order to prove i am not a liar,have i any other choice?of course,masturbate~
by the way,ali,your "masterbated" in your title is wrongly typed...: )
hey ali haha awesome blog there. its hilariuoss ass =P
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