Thursday, November 22, 2007

Assassins Creed and the implication of Islam vs Christianity

If you didnt know, like Mr Terms and Conditions, i am a gamer aswell. Only difference between us tho is I am more into ps3 rather than Xbox but that doesn't change anything (lol ps3 is a recognised spell checker word and Xbox isnt MUAHAHAHHA)

Anyways, yesterday Assassins Creed came out for both consoles, and obviously i got for ps3 seeing as tho none of the games this year so far, are using the ps3s full potential.

What can i say about this game? EFFN sweet!

What this game about? You are Altair, an Assassin in Jerusalem 1191. Jerusalem and its surrounding nations are being currently going through the third wave of the Crusades.
Anyway, this post is not here to advertise the game but to talk about its implications and how the general public are reacting to this.

First of all, before the game even starts, there is a message basically stating something like:
The creators of this game do not intend to offend, and come from different, multicultural backgrounds and have many different religions and beliefs.
I found this little disclaimer interesting because generally in games there is a little blurb stating stuff like 'Dont try this at home' or 'beware: lots of gore'

Anyways when you get into the game, and your talking to locals around the area, people start saying stuff like 'Peace be upon you'. Me being a follower of Islam found this very interesting as this is usually an Arabic Muslim saying. This fact, as well as the fact that the word 'assassin' comes from the Arabic word 'Hashshashin', and finally the main characters full name Altair Ibn La-Ahad; prompted me to hit the online message boards and forums because, lets face it, American's, and some other categories that I shall not name, arn't the most welcoming people, especially to this specific culture/religion .

And this is what I found:

Liberalism poisons this game like it's trying to poison the country. Christianity is free to be attacked, but all others are in a protected class.
Too bad... I was looking forward to this game. Ah well, plenty of other cool games out there.
Vote Republican 2008! We are not a death culture! God, Family, Country! Not: Islam, Lesbians, and Illegal Aliens!

DANG.. "Islam, Lesbians, and Illegal Aliens" what a category!

Before I start giving you my thoughts and views of this topic lets establish 1 point:
Historically, 'hashshashins' did not fight or kill many crusaders, or Christians at all, they mainly killed muslims. This is scenario is also duplicated in the game to an extent, i.e. you fight and kill Muslims and Christains, so I don't know what the eff people are ranting on about

What do I think about this?

TIME-OUT! This is a game.. a game that people play. When people play something like 'Grand Theft Auto' or 'Resident Evil', gamers do not get phased much about the ultra violence. Assassins Creed does contain the same violence and gore with a little touch of 'implied religion'.What needs to be realised that when the creators of this game made this game they did not intend this game to be linked or related with ANY religion. They just wanted to write a game with a different, and compelling story (which might I add, did work!) I am not passing any judgements on this subject but this in actual fact is the same scenario, so why get all high and mighty about this?


I certainly do not agree with many of these posts and find them rather racist for no apparent reason , but hey, thats freedom of speech for ya ! In my own opinion ALL religions have both their good points, as well as their bad points (yes, that includes scientology), and when people become closed to other people's beliefs, and/or 'fundamentalistic', it works in a very negative way as it goes against what their actual religion states... and thats the TRUTH, RUTH!


Tom said...

I hear yah!

I don't get why everyone's goes so crazy on internet forums and shit where they're safe from paying the consequences for their words.

The worst is when you're looking at a brilliant youtube video of a dog wearing a hat and the comments section has some full on argument about politics or religion.

Mad game though

Emily said...

ah yeh im not a big fan of video games but i like what you said.. and i see you have become mad friends with the guys from EB. me and tom were quiet impressed with the guy working at the EB next to JB hi5, he fit the part perfectly, we were unsure about the girl next to him but then that creature pop up from under the counter... i dont think your goingto understand this but ill explain later! xoxo

Peter Podcast said...

Sounds like a cool game.
In those days Islam was a beacon of enlightenment, the Christians were brutal invaders, some things change some things stay the same.
Would be interested on your thoughts on the Sudanese Teddy bear?
Also sorry your ladies stuff got nicked.
Dont tale valuables to the beach I guess.
Also turn of word verification.

Anonymous said...

Loved your post.
Check out this website called

They have done a audio review discussing Assassin's Creed and Islam

Very Cool!