First things first, life without a phone is a situation that I believe everyone should try and experience before the day they die. Its sort of like getting your umbilical cord cut off so your disconnected from the mothership of technology, but only10 times harder, ON YOUR FRIENDS!
You know how you have those days how you plan to meet up with people but you don't know what time or where your gonna meet up and you say "Ill see what happens, and I'll call you?" Or the times when your friends are being bitchy little shits saying, "I don't want to come out but I'll see if plans change?"
When your phoneless, your friends AND family have to abide by your rules and timetable as in they cant contact you, but you cant contact them so therefore you become the dominatrix of each and every situation. And what happens if your friends and family dont meet up with you at an allocated time and place? It works as a filtering method saying who your real friends are as well as gives you have the right to flip it at them and have a hissy fit saying that you cant cope with the pressure and how much you hate being phoneless. It is simply being diabolical and ingenious MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
And this comes to subject 2 of the matter, concert crowds of 2007
As you may or may not know (judging by you know me) I have been to a fair few concerts over the years of my existence. Some have been very good, others have been appalling, but what Radio Raheem is starting to notice is that the crowds have stopped coming to dance and enjoy themselves, but are more concerned with taking photos off their o-so beloved mobiles and camera's. For instance take the two most recent concerts I have been to, the Klaxons and Justin Timberlake.
At the Klaxons, during the support act people we literally just standing stiff. Wot The EF? And its not like the supporting act where bad either, i found them quiet nourishing . By the crowd being stiff and basically standing still in where the moshpit/dancefloor was supposed to be I had a bad impression that when the Klaxons came out, the crowd was gona follow suite. LUCKY that changed DRAMATICALLY!
Justin Timberlake however was a whole different story. Me, not being a JT fan only went for my significant other so i tried to at least bear and even enjoy his performance and boy was I surprised. He was actually a good performer when he stopped parading around his giant ego (i.e. putting his suit crotch on camera, giving the finger to the audience?? wtf). The main downfall of this gianormous concert tho was that the crowd was not dancing, but more concerned with buying burgers and eating popcorn while taking pictures on their phone to show to their friends at work and school. And to top it off when JT came back for an encore people decided to walk out and leave to avoid the traffic. NOW tell me is that what any normal decent human being would be concerned with at that time or place?
I believe that a performer can only be as good as the crowd gives is and by people standing stiff, guzzling beer, eating hotdogs, and taking photos off their camera; can a performer really give their best performance? and that IS the DOUBLE TRUTH, RUTH!!!
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